
The teachers

The recruitment process to find qualified teachers for Zanskar is not an easy task. The inhabitants of the Indian plains complain about spending months in such a hard climate and the original Zanskarpa teachers are still rare.

This is why, since its foundation, the Marpaling has hired Tibetan refugee teachers who live in India. They have the advantage of a good education level, they are used to the local culture and they put up with the extreme harshness of the climate in Zanskar. Others are recruited in the nearby area called Jammu-and-Cachemire. About half of the teachers are women.

At the beginning of March, just before the start of a new school year, the pass to go to Zanskar are still closed because of the amount of snow. To reach the Marpaling on time, the teachers must follow the Frozen River on foot, from Ladakh. This perilous journey in the gorge of the river, on a thin ice layer, is an ordeal for many of them.

On the Marpaling ground, teachers are housed in a building that is assigned to them. The RZA constantly improves the comfort of their accommodation. They have well-isolated rooms, a kitchen, a shared room, a bathroom and a TV at their disposal. Plus, a satellite internet access allows them to keep in touch with their family.

The RZA ensures that the teachers have pleasant life conditions and a decent salary (according to Indian standards) in order to keep them interested in the project.


Official Recognition

The FRCA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) has been granted to the RZA. This is a prestigious certificate delivered by the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs. This certificate, which is very hard to get, attests to the great quality of the work and the commitment of the RZA and it gives the association an unquestionable legal existence in India.

It proves that the educational level of the Marpaling matches the strict norms of the Indian State. In addition, it allows the RZA to solicit financial help from various foundations, including those established in India.