Support us

Support us

Despite all that has been achieved, life in Zanskar is still difficult and there is still much to be done to improve it sensibly.

Annual contribution: CHF 100.-
As a support-member, you have the right to vote during the annual general meetings.

Become PATRONAGE-MEMBER of a child:
Annual contribution: CHF 240.- for 3 or 6 years or more
This contribution includes the support-member contribution.
As a child-sponsor member, you have the right to vote at the annual general assembly.

Thanks to our patrons’ loyal support for more than a decade, dozens of children have been able to follow a complete cursus at the Marpaling School.
Thus, even the most humble families can have at least one child educated at school.
The RZA provides a link between patrons living in Europe and their godchild. Once a year (during winter), patrons usually receive a picture and a copy of their godchild’s school report.

Become an ACTIVE-MEMBER (involved as a volunteer):
Annual contribution: CHF 50.-
As an active member, you have the right to vote during the annual general assembly.


  • Donate

Switzerland :
UBS Porrentruy
No compte : 606814.40Z-226
CP 30 , 2900 Porrentruy 2 CCP UBS 80-2-2 • (clearing bancaire : 226)
IBAN : CH250022622660681440Z

France :
Crédit agricole mutuel de Franche-Comté
Place de la République, 90100 Delle
Code banque : 12506
Guichet : 90000 / Clé : 83
No compte : 5355804.1.010